An earless baby bunny that was a rising star on Germany’s celebrity animal scene had his 15 minutes of fame brought to an abrupt end when he was accidentally stepped on by a television cameraman.
The fate of 17-day-old Til, a rabbit with a genetic defect, was plastered across German newspapers on Thursday, the same day a small zoo in Saxony was to have presented him to the world at a press conference.
The cameraman told Bild newspaper he had not seen Til, who had buried himself in hay, when he took the fateful step backwards on Wednesday.

Zoo director Uwe Dempewolf told Spiegel magazine that Til did not suffer.
“We are all shocked. During the filming, the cameraman took a step back and trod on the bunny.
“He was immediately dead, he didn’t suffer. It was a direct hit. No one could have foreseen this. Everyone here is upset. The cameraman was distraught.”
Spiegel Online reported that the rabbit’s body would be frozen while zoo officials decided if it would be stuffed.
Germany has been home to several global animal celebrities in recent years, including polar bear Knut and Paul the prognosticating octopus.
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